One day recently I found this phrase on my 10 year old granddaughter's top and commented about it, asking her how she could love New York if she had never been there. (She's been many places including internationally but never been to New York.)
Juri Romanov of Orange Optimist |
At which time. . .
she informed me that 'NY' didn't have to mean New York. "Nana, NY could be anything that starts with NY!!
And . .
she continued by informing me about other things it could mean.
We were making cookies and were at the standing-around-waiting-for-them-to-bake point, when this conversation started. Anna is a list maker so after batting a few NY phrases around, she washed her hands, got out pencil and paper and started writing them all down.
The list is now on my 'this n' that' board.
NY List:
New York (but, of course)
New Years
Neat Yards
Neon Yellow
Night Yawns
No Yelling
Nifty Yo-yo's
Next Year
Nerdy Yarn
Jeroen Teunen of blackspecs |
Naughty Yorkies (she loves dogs - has an encyclopedia of dogs so heavy I can hardly lift it)
North Yellowstone (a favorite vacation spot)
Nine Yellowjackets
Nasty Yams (hum, I wonder what she could mean here :))
Nifty Yachts
Newfoundland Yelps
No Yes (love this)
Norwegian Youngsters (what can I say, she is an only child)
Native Youth
Nice Yacks (I think she meant Yaks, but I have had some pretty nice ones of this kind on the phone.)
Judi Sunday of JudisArtwork |
Nice You
Nutella Yearround
Natural Yards
Nascar Yesterday (daddy is a big fan)
Nothing Yucky
Meghan Narayan of mnarayan Etsy shop |
And there you have it! Next time you think someone loves New York, they may secretly be checking out your yard or just love that big bright round yellow thing that sometimes appears in the daytime sky!!
Nancy at DoodleGraphics |
I added this item just for me. It's tagged 'New York City' and I think it is one of the the prettiest photos I have ever seen!
Sue Anderson of MYSAVIOR |
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