Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Christian Response to Tragedy

My blog this week is to point you to another blog that I found very compelling.  It says what I would hope would be my response at a time like this.  And it expresses a faith that I pray each of my children and grandchildren would experience should they ever be in such a circumstance.  

If you have not already read this (it has had over a million readers already), please do.  The writer's name is Marie.  She wrote it on July 20; she has since prefaced it (July 22) with an explanation to detractors that would misrepresent her motive and heart in writing it, but the original post is still there and precious words they are!!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rice Waffles

I took a Nutrition class in college which started my interest in special dietary challenges, such as how a person without access to meat protein should gain complete protein, how a person allergic to eggs can achieve the same texture and taste with substitutes, what foods are safe to introduce/not introduce to a person who is suffering from starvation, etc.

Nearly 30 years ago I worked in the Washington State University Extension Office.  As such I worked as support for a team of State Extension Agents who were experts in everything from psychology and home canning to teaching women how to involve themselves in public policy. 

One of the publications from the Nutrition agent in this office was nearly 60 pages long and had all kinds of recipes for special dietary needs.  Somehow I gained a copy of this wonderful document made more special by the fact that it is typewritten. 

I have tried many of the unique recipes from this publication and my favorite is the one for rice waffles.  Unlike many other recipes I've tried using rice flour, these waffles are light and soft on the inside, crisp on the outside with a wonderful flavor.  Our whole family loves them!  And I have had many requests for this recipe from celiac friends.

The recipe has two steps.  It begins with a base that can be stored in the refrigerator - it does not specify how long this can be refrigerated but I have kept it for several months and it has not lost any of its flavor or integrity.

Here it is for your perusal.  I encourage you to try it for it does make yummy waffles!!

makes about 9 cups
(no gluten, wheat, optional no milk)
                    6 cups rice flour, sifted
                    3 tablespoons baking powder
                    1/4 cup sugar
                    3 teaspoons salt
                    3/4 cup margarine (milk-free)
                        (I use butter)
                    2 cups non-fat dry milk or soy milk powder
Stir together rice flour, baking powder, sugar and salt.  Cut in margarine until mixture looks like coarse cornmeal.  Stir in dry milk.  Store mix in tightly covered container in the refrigerator.  Stir mix before using.

When you are ready to make the waffles:

                    2 eggs
                    1 cup water
                    2 cups mix
Separate eggs and mix egg yolk and water together.  Stir in mix and allow mixture to stand 4-5 minutes.  Beat egg white until stiff.  Fold in rice flour mixture.  Bake in hot, well-seasoned (oiled) waffle iron.

SortaGreenButtons by Todd Smith

I often make the base as a gift and attach the instructions for the final phase on a pretty little tag on top of the airtight container.

PearCreekCottage by Jan McCorkle

The recipe has additional instructions in how to use the base for pancakes or biscuits but I did not find them to be nearly as delicious.

This blog is part of the Mid Week Blog Blitz for the Etsy Christian Artists Street Team (Castteam).  To see other blogs from this wonderful team, go to:  http://www.etsy.com/teams/6326/christian-artists-street-team-cast/discuss/10626851/

Waffle buttons and canning jar labels/stickers are from two Castteam member shops.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Traveling Oregon Coast and Vietnam Memorial - June 2012

We are so blessed to live close to the Pacific Coast in Oregon.  There is so much natural beauty that every visit is special.  Here are pictures from a visit my husband and I made in June.

Devil's Punch Bowl  just south of Lincoln City and Depot Bay never disappoints.  The sun was not at the right angle to get a good photo of the 'Bowl' but the shots from the top of this jutting bluff are always amazing.

One of the mornings, the tide was further out than I could ever remember it.  Slippers and I walked around and gazed into each tide pool. What a glorious feast of color with the brightness of starfish against the rough and tumble of the rock.

One of our favorite places to stay on the coast is in Newport, Oregon, right across the street from the Donald A. Davis City Park and Vietnam Commemorative Walk.  This memorial was thoughtfully and beautifully laid out on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean with a walkway with seating all the way down to the shore.  My husband and I have enjoyed this scene and beach for 20+ years.

 Because my husband is unable to walk that far, Slippers and I took a long stroll each morning and evening down past the memorial to the beach.

Although the words are weather worn, nearly impossible to read, I love the remembrance of so many in my generation who lost their lives in this controversial war.  The whys and wherefores for it will never be fully known but they cannot change the fact that many who fought in it fought for all the right reasons. Many lost their lives and from personal experience many other lives were changed forever.

One of my favorite features is the rock wall with inset seating that winds all the way down to the beach.

Happy Birthday, America! 

With thanks for each one who has given so much for our freedom!!