Monday, June 24, 2013

Sisters Travel to Yellowstone

A happy circumstance in my life is a family cabin near West Yellowstone, one of the entrances to Yellowstone National Park.  My husband's and my first trip there was in 1989, a year after the devastating fire that burned a reported 793,880 acres, a third of the park being affected.

In the many many trips there in intervening years we have seen this lovely park at many times of the year and seen many sites in outlying places in the area.  We have brought many guests to join us.

The trip this year was notable because it was with two of my sisters.  They have come with me and my husband once each before but never the three of us together.

Some of my favorite pictures from this wonderful time:

An evening walk with Elaine from the cabin to Lake Hebgen
Renee and Elaine - Firehole River

On our way at one of the major Geyser sites . . .

One of the luscious Midway Geyser sites - love that pale turquoise often with bright rust orange trim!

Hit the play button here if you would like to see what we saw at Old Faithful.

Waiting for Old Faithful to erupt . . .

The oldest lodge at Old Faithful, love the windows and siding.

Morning Glory pool . . . well worth the mile and quarter walk from Old Faithful.

View out the front of the cabin - Lake Hegben in the distance - only quarter mile actually.

Beautiful background for two beautiful sisters!!

at the Paint Pots

Sweet  . . . !
Did you say Rocky Mountains!?!   On the road to Mammoth Hot Springs.

Mammoth Hot Springs with its lovely backdrop.

Glorious shot looking down on Upper Falls of Yellowstone River.

Love the perspective the trees give this shot, the white is not snow but rock.
Osprey, female at nest, male came in landed and quickly took off again, - don't miss the fish he is carrying.
Lower falls of the Yellowstone River are as magnificent as ever.


  1. Gorgeous!! what fun to be there with your sisters! Looks like gorgeous country and beautiful weather...

  2. That looks amazing. Did you get to go swimming in those pools?

    1. That would be nice - on penalty of a huge fine!! :) Seriously when we visit Yellowstone (unless it is late in the fall), there must be at least 100- 200 people right there with us - busloads at each stop - people from all over the world. That in itself is a great part of the experience. My sister talked at length to a woman who was visiting family in Texas and is a missionary in Thailand. All I can say is that these may be a lovely precursor to heaven's swimming holes - with lots of space to move and not too hot or sulphury. Beautiful!!

  3. wow! What a beautful part of the world.

  4. That does look like an amazing trip you had with your family!

  5. Wow, that is so beautiful! I've always wanted to go. The video was just awesome!

  6. The morning glory pool takes your breath away with it's beauty. Still trying to figure out which one of the beautiful sisters is you............

  7. Absolutely Breathtaking. The Earth is the Lord's, and the fullness there of... and what a beautiful Earth it is.

    Thanks for sharing!
